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. Deforestation-free products are products that have been produced on land not subject to deforestation or forest degradation after 31 December 2020. Next steps The Council will now inform the European Parliament of its position in view of the Parliament ta ... [plus...]
« Dénommée “Africa View”, cette usine permettra, grâce à la valorisation des déchets issus du processus de transformation du bois, autrefois brûlés, d’augmenter à hauteur de 95 % le taux d’utilisation du bois exploité au sein de la zone de Nkok et ... [plus...]
Canadian Softwood Producers
During the ISC in Taormina Mr. Provost from Boscus Group Canada showed the different points of view on production, consumption and import-export situation ... [plus...]
Finlande : bureaux de Supercell, Helsinki, Anttinen Oiva Arkkitehdit Oy, SRV Rakennus Oy
Crédit : DR
Fruit de la collaboration entre le constructeur SRV ... [plus...]
CEPF and Eustafor, representing respectively the private forest owners and the private forest owners, provided their point of views on relevant policy files including, but not limited to, the Deforestation and Forest Degradation Regulation (so-called E ... [plus...]
BES Bollmann delivers a new oven to Platowood in Arnhem
Interzum has a good number of registrations
German furniture industry adjusts sales forecast
Binderholz wins Klausner Lumber One auction ... [plus...]
STTC to report on EU importers views of tropical timber
John Deere to announce new forestry swing machine options
US tropical sawnwood imports fell in August
... [plus...]
.1% in Jan.-Nov. 2018
Auction: Tropical hardwood Padouk, Iroko, Sipo, Afrormosia under the virtual hammer!
Downward trend in EU imports of wood furniture from China and the tropics in 2018
Japan's housing starts grow slightly in December 2018
Sw ... [plus...]
.6% in November
Conifex Timber to re-start former Georgia Pacific sawmill in Arkansas
France: Auction sale of particleboard company following bankruptcy
Canadian lumber production up 1.7% in November
China: Timber companies targeted in crack-down on VOC ... [plus...]
New Zealand's logs expected to keep high
Gradual recovery in EU construction forecast to continue
Save the date: CIFF Shanghai 2017; 11-14 September, 2017
Belgium: Machinery online auction on Jun 29th, 2017 following liquidation
... [plus...]
.7 million in 4Q/2016
$200 million wood pellet plant to be build in Fiji
Rising US share of UK hardwood imports continued last year
Positive outlook for the US residential remodeling market
France: Auction sale of Homatherm f ... [plus...]
furniture and handicraft sectors
Sveza launched a new product for the engineered flooring producers
Södra divests UAB SIWood to Soernsen Group
France: Forest equipment auction on June 28, 2017
... [plus...]
. The situation is far from optimal from the point of view of climate change mitigation through harvested wood products.”
The words of the Commissioner well reflect the present situation ... [plus...]
Au Royaume-Uni, la tendance apparaît identique. « La demande intérieure pour toutes les essences et dans toutes les qualités est actuellement très forte », observe Oliver Combe qui organise des ventes de bois informatisées au titre de la société Timber Auctions ... [plus...]
.TroostwijkAuctions.com du
19 au
26 octobre 2010 jusqu’à 16h00. Visites uniquement sur rendez-vous.
Personnes habilitées à diriger la vente : A ... [plus...]
. La même année, il applique ce concept en Allemagne (View Point Terrace, Paderborn), en Norvège (Tree huts in Trondheim) et à Lavau-sur-Loire pour L'Estuaire Nantes-Saint-Nazaire ... [plus...]
. La construction "lean" reposant sur la modularité offre la possibilité de répondre aux besoins futurs du secteur du bâtiment dans le monde », explique Juha Toimela, Vice-président en charge des activités en Finlande de la société de cons ... [plus...]
. Réalisés par l’agence Dynamic View, les 8 spots mettent deux joueurs au défi lors de tirs au panier, à travers une série de duels de plus en plus imaginatifs. Pour accompagner ce plan média, un jeu-concours du meilleur scénario « défi shoot » sera lancé a ... [plus...]
. In view of last year’s high demand for surfaced particleboard, Pfleiderer AG has meanwhile taken the required steps to increase its production capacity for raw particleboard to more than 500,000 cubic meters and its volume for surfaced particleboard to 20 ... [plus...]
“If we view the full life-cycle from cradle to grave, wood products have no equal,” said Hardman. North American forest growth continues to exceed timber harvests by a wide margin ... [plus...]
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