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Metsä Board, faisant partie du groupe Metsä, va entamer des négociations de changement concernant d'éventuelles mises en chômage temporaire pour ses usines de papier carton et de BCTMP en Finlande ... [plus...]
Press release about the general assembly of the Confindustria member association of woodworking and furniture technology companies, that has elected some new board members
Associazione costrut ... [plus...]
Markus Holm prendra ses fonctions le 1er janvier 2014, tandis que Matti Mörsky supervisera des projets de Metsä Board sous la conduite directe du CEO jusqu'au 28 février 2015 ... [plus...]
The Assembly also had an internal part. Policies of interests for the European sawmill industry as well as promotional activities were presented by the secretariat and intensely discussed by delegates, who also approved the 2022 finances and elected the new EOS Board ... [plus...]
Reimer analyse le prix des grumes de Douglas entre 2005 and 2020, qui était en moyenne de $631 par MBF (ce qui correspond à 1,000 board feet de sciage, soit 2,3 m3 de sciages) pour les scieries du sud de l'Oregon ... [plus...]
. pour 1,000 board feet à Chicago, pour atteindre le prix de plus élevé depuis juin 2021.
Les prix sont orientés à la hausse depuis les tempêtes de pluies qui ont frappé la Colombie Britannique en novembre 2021, endommageant les voies ferrées et forçant ... [plus...]
Comme chaque semaine, Fordaq vous propose une fenêtre vers l’actualité internationale de la filière bois.
20-24 septembre 2021
US hardwood flooring imports recede
Japan: Wood products export for the first half of 2021
Softwood Lumber Board ... [plus...]
Pakistan tries to prevent price-related chaos on the import market
Canada's lumber production increased by 12% yoy in December 2020
Overview of Vietnamese wood product exports in 2020
EU wood furniture imports down 3% in 2020
N. American lumber prices at record levels
Kastamonu E ... [plus...]
AWA International Fiberboard Industry Conference gathered around 60 delegates
Stora Enso to merge container board business with Consumer Board division
Arauco North America to announce organizational chan ... [plus...]
Les autorités autrichiennes ont donné leur accord à une cession de Ranheim Paper & Board AS à FunderMax, bouclée à la fin de l'année dernière ... [plus...]
Comme chaque semaine, Fordaq vous propose une fenêtre vers l’actualité internationale de la filière bois.
13-17 janvier 2020
Brexit “awful for the UK plywood market”
Mondi's CEO to step down
Sharp rise in Canadian lumber production in October 2019
Metsä Board ... [plus...]
Rubber Group
Canfor curtailing an additional 75 million board feet of production capacity in BC
Pölkky Oy invests in new planing mill in Taivalkoski
Metsä Board to apply for an environmental permit for ... [plus...]
Aux USA, les prix du bois ont augmenté de 49% en trois semaines pour atteindre 1000 dollars pour 1000 board feet, soit 2,36 m3. En Europe, le bois d'oeuvre collé ou non connaît une augmentation de 60 à 70% par rapport à septembre 2020 ... [plus...]
Comme chaque semaine, Fordaq vous propose une fenêtre vers l’actualité internationale de la filière bois.
28 octobre- 01 novembre 2019
Moelven starts production at its new pellet plant
Bergs Timber sales impacted by the bark beetle infestation
Renewal of Metsä Board ... [plus...]
Lumber Board reports expansion of the mass timber construction in the US
Ghana: Forest plantation MOU with Swedish company
Biesse Group to refocus its strategy in China
Resolute Forest to acquire Conifex Timber’s U.S ... [plus...]
Comme chaque semaine, Fordaq vous propose une fenêtre vers l’actualité internationale de la filière bois.
25 -29 novembre 2019
Valmet to supply key technology to Metsä Board's Husum pulp mill
Implementation EU FLEGT in Indonesia
Södra b ... [plus...]
in Southern Sweden
Swiss Krono produced first board in Barnwell
Next sawmill closure in B.C.: Interfor to permanently close Hammond sawmill
Forestry management: Trimble acquires 3LOG Systems
Pfleiderer Group increases output capacities of v ... [plus...]
the 2nd edition of Gabon WoodShow
Pellet Forum, 10 – 11 June, Krakow, Poland
Tolko announces downtime in BC
China: Softwood logs dominate at Taicang port
Joint CEI-Bois / EFBWW / EPF Project
Stora Enso will convert the Oulu paper mill into a packaging board ... [plus...]
-coniferous species (inferior to 6mm)
694 44089091 Other temperate non-coniferous wood species sheets , whether or not planed, sanded or shackled, not exceeding thickness of 6mm
695 44092990 Strips, friezes, moulded, planed wood of other non-coniferous wood species
696 44101100 Partic ... [plus...]
Tolko’s Lakeview sawmill to re-open in February
India: Surge in sawnwood imports
Moody’s upgrades Metsä Board to Baa3
ISO publishes new CoC standard for wood products
Indonesia: US$12 billion forestry sector export earnings
Swiss Krono in ... [plus...]
appointed a member of the Board of Kotkamills Oy
U.S. imports of softwood from Germany have grown tenfold
Metsä Wood's new Kerto® LVL line at Lohja mill starts up
Foundation stone of the Metsä Wood’s birch plywood mill laid in P&a ... [plus...]
.6 % in the first nine months
Russia: pulp exports 2% up in Jan-Sept 2018
Columbia Forest Products acquires hardwood veneer plant in Ecuador
Metsä Board invests in a capacity increase at its Kaskinen mill
Canada expected to remain a major lumber ... [plus...]
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